Expert Care System for Pregnant Women and Detection of Diseases in Early Childhood
Mothers and children are family members who need priority in the context of implementing health services. Therefore, efforts to improve maternal and child health are of particular concern. Assessment of maternal health status and performance of essential health services is monitored (Ministry of Health, 2014). On the other hand, complications in the health of pregnant women, infants and toddlers are still common, so more effort is needed in handling them. Based on the 2012 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS), the maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still high, amounting to 359 / 100,000 live births. Maternal, infant and child mortality rates are still high, one of which is caused by a lack of attention to health when pregnant or improper handling when symptoms of certain diseases arise. In this study an expert system application that can help mothers during pregnancy is made by suppressing MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate) by making mothers understand their condition and understanding various complications of pregnancy. In addition, this application can help early detect symptoms of diseases for infants and toddlers so that it can help users to prepare everything related to disease management. This application is called "KASIH IBU" and is built on a mobile basis. The mobile base was chosen because currently mobile devices have been widely used by the community, especially mothers.