Purpose to optimize the taxi request service, shopping and delivery
The SoutRide Application is a specialize service with the purpose to optimize the taxi request service, shopping and delivery! However without creating any employee relationship with the taxi drivers, meaning that SoutRide should be considered only as a service provider with the purpose of scheduling. Through the system, SoutRide allows, totally free of charge, the PASSENGERS to sign up and locate the nearest TAXI DRIVERS to request their services in a more efficient way than the conventional existing methods. The TAXI DRIVER, by his/her means, can register on the drivers app or through SoutRide servicing office through the “Taxi Driver” section, pending an evaluation from SoutRide and the necessary documentation when signing up to participate in the project. The TAXI DRIVER will pay a flat fee per completed rides using the app. SoutRide is not a transportation company but a taxi booking platform that connects drivers and passengers using the available service options like app, phone lines, SMS systems.