HQ Sport Cars Backgrounds and Wallpapers
Does it give you a high when you a watch a Ferrari zoom past you at more than 200 miles an hour? Do you adore such fancy sports cars? Well, then you’d like our sports car wallpaper collection, the first in our cool collection sets. Each of these wallpapers are available in different resolutions. When you click on an image it directs you to the site, where you could choose the one that fits your computer’s resolution. here are cars … and then there are supercars. We’ve chosen 10 of the world’s finest manufacturers and handpicked 5 scintillating HD wallpapers for each one. The list includes Bugatti, Lamborghini, Ferrari, McLaren, Koenigsegg, Aston Martin, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Pagani and Gumpert. A must-have collection for every car and design enthusiast. To download, click image to open high-res version of the same, then right-click and save. A sports car, or sportscar, is a small, usually two-seater, two-door automobile designed for spirited performance and nimble handling. The term sports car was used in The Times, London in 1919. According to USA's Merriam-Webster dictionary, USA's first known use of the term was in 1928 Sports cars started to become popular during the 1920s.