Summertime Saga

Nov 10, 2022
  • 8.0

    350 Reviews

  • 874.0 MB

    File Size

  • Android 4.4+

    Android OS

About Summertime Saga

Dating Sim & Puzzle & RPG

Keyboard lock screen

Lock the screen with a password

Lock the screen through the keyboard

The lock screen is very good

The keyboard lock screen is an application that protects your phone for use by third parties.

- this application is easy to use and very beautiful.

Create a password to protect your phone

- you can click to select on/off the lock screen.

- lots of beautiful wallpapers to choose from

- you can select your photo from the gallery to get the background image in the lock screen.

- no error home key

Press the shortcut to close the screen

- create shortcuts or ICONS for screen closing and locking

- very useful when the power button is loose, hard to press or needs to be protected

How to use the keyboard lock screen:

1. Select "enable lock screen" (line 1)

2. Fill in the password and confirm it

How to use "screen off and lock by shortcut" :

1. Select "close screen" (line 2)

2. Accept (or activate) the request

3. The application will create a shortcut to "screen off" to the home screen

4. Use the shortcut screen to close and lock the screen (click the shortcut when you want to close the screen)

Uninstall (if you can't uninstall) :

You can use the menu uninstall in Settings (last line in Settings)

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Summertime Saga APK Information

Latest Version
Android OS
Android 4.4+
File Size
874.0 MB
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