Practical modern "Al Kharidatul Bahiyyah" digital book
Al Kharidatul Bahiyyah, one of the texts compiled in the science of monotheism according to the doctrine of Imam Abi Al-Hassan Al-Ash’ari. It was organized by Imam Ahmad Al-Dardir, who is a Maliki jurist and a fundamentalist. The text of Al Kharidatul Bahiyyah is organized on the Sea of Rejuvenation, and scholars have organized most of the texts on this sea for its ease of memorization and remembrance, and its many activations, which helps in preservation and organization. Explanation of Dardir was one of the prescribed books in Al-Azhar Al-Sharif. The text of Al Kharidatul Bahiyyah came in sixty-four verses, in which Al-Dardir limited himself to mentioning the great principles in the science of monotheism, and then concluded it with a conclusion in Sufism.