The highest divine revelation is found in the BIBLE!
The Holy Scripture or the Bible is the collection of the so-called books of the Old and New Testaments, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, over a period of almost 1500 years, i.e. from Moses (ca. 1400 BC) to the author of the Apocalypse (ca. 100 AD). These books are the most precious treasure of light and salvation that God gave to people. The Church keeps them as a precious scent and uses them as a spring of living water from which to sip the divine teaching. The word "Bible" is of Greek origin and means "books" or "book". The "books" or "book" of the Holy Scriptures kept their Greek name of the Bible throughout the ages, both because the Holy Scriptures were written for a large part in the Greek language, and because, at the beginning, in the first centuries of Christianity, the teaching contained in it was preached mainly in the Greek language, as the documents of the time show, especially the Holy Tradition. This word, Bible, which is the most used, both by Christians and non-Christians, therefore presents the Holy Scripture as a book in itself, the only one that throughout history has kept this name without any other addition and that we we believers consider it the book above all other books, the book of books, the book which, if we cannot call it the greatest in terms of extent, we can call it the most precious, for its content and its fruits in our souls.