BookScouter - sell & buy books
About BookScouter - sell & buy books
Used books and textbooks buyback prices comparison app
BookScouter is a go-to solution for users who want to sell and buy used or new textbooks at a competitive price. The buyback mobile app compares prices on 30+ vendors and finds the best deals on books. Whether you are a college student or a graduate, want to get rid of used books stocked in your closet or buy titles at a low price, BookScouter is here to help you buy back and sell back textbooks.
How BookScouter works
The book price comparison app is an easy-to-use tool that helps you sell and buy textbooks quickly and at the best price:
- Scan the textbook's ISBN or barcode using your phone's camera or type the ISBN in manually
- Compare real-time price quotes from over 30 vendors for textbooks you want to buy or sell
- Choose the most attractive price quote and complete a transaction on the vendor’s website
- Vendors pay by check or PayPal
Why choose BookScouter
BookScouter brings along the following key benefits:
- Convenience
Selling and buying a textbook with BookScouter takes only 3 simple steps: install our app on your phone, scan the book’s ISBN to get a quote and place your order on the selected website. As simple as that!
- Free service
Our app is absolutely free and involves zero hidden charges.
- A wide network of textbook buyback partners and marketplaces
The BookScouter mobile app compares prices from 30+ vendors buying and selling books: AbeBooks, Alibris,, BetterWorldBooks, Biblio,Bigger Books, Book Depository, BooksRun, Campus Book Rentals, Chegg, Discover Books, eBay,,, Marketplace, Knetbooks, RedShelf, Second Sale, Textbook Solutions, TextbookRush,, TextbookX,, VitalSource, WinyaBooks, BeerMoneyBooks, BlueRocketBooks, Bookbyte, BookMonster, BooksIntoCash, BooksRun,, BookToCash, CollegeBooksDirect, Comic Blessing, eCampus, Empire Text, PiggyBook, Powell's, RentText, Sell Books, SellBackBooks, SellBackYourBook, Textbook Solutions, TextbookCashback, TextbookManiac, TextbookRush, TopDollar4Books, ValoreBooks, WinyaBooks, Ziffit by World of Books.
What's new in the latest 3.30.147
BookScouter - sell & buy books APK Information
Old Versions of BookScouter - sell & buy books
BookScouter - sell & buy books 3.30.147
BookScouter - sell & buy books 3.29.145
BookScouter - sell & buy books 3.28.143
BookScouter - sell & buy books 3.27.140
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