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Concunsmart is a Partnership firm established as a SEBI registered intermediary for a period of 11 years. Over the years, Concunsmart has helped the clients to understand and simplify the investment process to achieve their financial goals. On successful conversion of 11 years as a Sub Broker it converted into a Member of National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited vide SEBI registration number INZ000205429. Concunsmart serves 12000 plus clientele a trading platforms backed by our Partners Mr. Prashant Angane and Mrs. Pallavi Angane across PAN-India. Mr. Prashant Angane and Mrs. Pallavi Angane a partner (s) of the firm having an experience Of 20 years and 12 years respectively in capital Market and served more than 12000 plus clientele. Both are commerce graduate, ensures the clients to uncompromised performance backed by the depth focus approached at all the times. A winning combination of in-depth research and value based approached towards investing, forms the strong backbone of Concunsmart Shares and Stock Broker, on the basis of which we enjoy the trust of the Clients with our service.