Core and Container Tracker 정보
당신의 코어 운동, 컨테이너 및 H20에 대한 코어 및 컨테이너 추적기 앱
Core and Container Tracker is the simplest way to track your Core workouts, containers, and water.
✔ base 30 day schedule
✔ deluxe 30 day schedule
★ Switch between cycles!
✔ Before and After measurement tracking AND PHOTOS!!!!
★ Flip between before and after photos!
★ Combine before and after photos and share!
✔ Up-to-date food list and the Vegan food list
✔ Weight & Measurement reports and chart - why track it if you can't view it? Share your progress!
✔ 0.25 portion increments (we all eat uniquely)
✔ 2 meal plans. Yes two! Switch between them throughout your cycle.
★ Great for the Countdown Competition / boot camp diet or slowly changing your portions.
✔ Add multiple workouts per day!
✔ Reminders - Hydrate and Getup/Move
★ Reminders sent to your smartwatch!
✔ Grocery List - create a list right from the food lists.
Container Tracking:
✔ Don't just mark a container as used - know what meal it was used for!
★ Customize the meal names - Breakfast, Shake, Lunch...
✔ 0.25 portion increments (we all eat uniquely)
✔ Edit container portions anytime! and switch between 2 plans
★ Great for the Countdown Competition / boot camp diet or slowly changing your portions.
✔ Select 5 or 6 meals per day
Food List
✔ Up to date food list or Vegan food list - eat clean and cleaner!
★ No more carrying around your book!
Daily Weight Tracking
✔ View your progress with each entry.
✔ Weight Report - generated and saved!
Weight Progress Chart
✔ See and share your progress as you move thru your cycle
✔ Track how your body changes!
✔ Before / After tracking AND PHOTOS!!!!
✔ Measurement Reports show the change between each body part as well as total (in or cm)
Water Tracker
✔ We don't always drink using an 8 oz cup so why track that way?
✔ Select between a myriad of water bottle sizes!
✔ Edit H2O qty anytime!
✔ Stay Active and Hydrated!
✔ Set reminders throughout the day to drink water and get up n move.
Reports - Why track it if you can't view it?
✔ Cycle Measurement Reports (before / after comparison)
✔ Cycle Weight Report (all 30 days in one PDF)
✔ Add custom workouts to your day
✔ Build your own 30 day program with your workouts!
Cycle Manager:
✔ At the end of your 30 day cycle just add another cycle.
★ You will not lose all your data in this app when you start a new cycle!
★ Reset current cycle without resetting the app!
★ ★ Storage permission needed for PDF reports, photo generation, and saving them to your device ★ ★
The Modern Pen and Paper Company™
Creating apps that save more than time!
Designed, compiled, and proud to say, Made in U.S.A.