Plasticine clay live pro 정보
Enjoy the figures of plasticine using the technique of stop motion.
Enjoy the figures of plasticine applying the technique of stop motion and several photographs to increase the speed gives as result these fun videos of entertainment to see with your group of friends family or acquaintances.
You'll have a lot of fun with the charismatic videos of this free app and it will surely bring a smile to you and all your family and friends.
What is stop motion animation?
Lets start by the beginning. Stop motion is an animation technique that consists in the linear achievement of a succession of still images, which one after another create illusion of motion. That is, a photos that when put together convert the static objects portrayed into animated.
It is therefore a manual technique that requires a lot of work if the goal is that the movements between photo and photo look fluid and natural. If the illusion of reality, the primary objective of cinema, is to be credible.
We can get an idea if we remember that Japanese anime traditionally had animated their drawings at eight frames per second, or that Disney had done at twelve, increasing to 24 in scenes of greater complexity. Well, for films like Norman's Amazing World, which Laika debuted in 2012, it took 320 animators to recreate textures, backgrounds, patterns and colors, with a 24-frame-per-second motion captured by sixty cameras at a time. It is also true that most films made with this technique currently hybridize with digital programs.
From dummies to play dough
The truth is that animation, and film in general, almost never respond to a specific or exclusive technique. To make a film like Looking for Dory, thousands of hand-drawn sketches are used and figures are recreated that express the basic design of characters that digitally reconstruct.
That said, in generic terms stop motion would be neither one nor the other. And in turn it would be everything that its author wanted because can be realized with puppets, with plasticine (commonly known as claymation), with rigid objects in movement, with collages and with as many forms as imagination has. It is only necessary to move an object and press the shutter.
This technique could also be defined as craft animation, because the movement is constructed by manipulating an object, with one's hands, frame by frame. Different materials (plasticine, sand, paper cuttings, chalks on floors and walls ...) are worked progressively, forward, with no possibility of backward movement.
Methods and variants
There are many stop motion animation procedures, this is because this technique of animation is an artistic procedure and each author adapts that technique to what he wants to express. That is why stop motion has a great wealth of methods and variants.
We can distinguish two large variants of stop motion animation: that made with clay or any other malleable material (also known as claymation) and rigid objects.