Kung FU Mastery your self defense martial art
16 basic combat sequences in our Shaolin Kungfu. They are comprehensive, covering all the four categories of attack and defence, namely: striking kicking felling qin-na (gripping) However, it is important to realize that merely knowing the techniques of the combat sequences cannot make you combat efficient. You need to develop combat skills, including, going into correct forms spontaneously, reasonable force and good speed. Other important skills include fluidity of movement, being relaxed and calm, quick decision making, and breath control. All these skills are learnt in the Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course as well as in regular classes conducted by our certified instructors. Those intending to attend the Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course should familiarize themselves with these 16 combat sequences. They are the basic material used to develop these combat skills. A common question many students ask is as follows. "I don't have a sparring partner at home. After attending an Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course, can I be efficient in sparring or actual fighting?" Yes, you can, if you continue to practice what you have learnt at the course. These 16 basic combat sequences will form the core of your combat training. The other important aspect of training is to develop internal force. Another common question is as follows. "These 16 combat sequences follow kungfu forms. Will I be combat efficient if my opponent uses non-kungfu forms or free style fighting?" Yes, you will still be combat efficient. The kungfu forms used by your sparring partner in the combat sequences represent the most advantageous ways to attack or defend in given combat situations. For example, if your opponent wishes to strike your mid body, he will have the best advantages for this combat purpose if he uses a form like "Black Tiger Steals Heart". If he strikes you while standing with feet apart instead of using the Bow-Arrow Stance, or throwing his body-weight forward instead of using spiral force generated from his dan tian, he would deprive himself of certain advantages as well as acquire certain disadvantages. For example, it would be difficult for him to apply internal force which not only gives him more striking power but also stamina to last longer in combat, he would also have poor balance and expose vital spots to you for counter-strikes. Hence, if you are trained to fight with an opponent who uses forms that give him the best advantages, it would be easier to fight with one who is ignorant of such advantages. However, initially you may not be familiar with the non-kungfu forms used by your opponents. Hence, you may have some initial setbacks. But once you have spent some time familiarizing yourself fighting against those using non-kungfu forms or free style fighting, you will find it is actually easier to fight against them, as many of our Shaolin Wahnam students have found from their direct experience.