O Mother and Most Holy Virgin of the Rosary, You who planted in the Church, for me ...
“O Mother and Most Holy Virgin of the Rosary, You who planted in the Church, through Your privileged son Domingos, the mystical remedy of the Holy Rosary, make us all embrace Your holy devotion and obtain Your true spirit, so that those mystical roses be it in our lips and hearts, for sinners medicine, and for the just increase of grace. Amen. (Ask at this moment with confidence for the grace that you want to obtain with this novena) God save you. How delighted my soul is, Most Holy Virgin, with the sweet memories that this greeting awakens in me! My heart is filled with joy when saying the Ave Maria to accompany the joy that Your Spirit had when listening to it from the angel's mouth. I am glad that the Almighty made the election of You, to give us the Lord. Amen. (Pray 4 Hail Marys and 4 Glories in reverence for the four mysterious orders of the Holy Rosary) O Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, sweet refuge and pious hope for all the afflicted! For that motherly trust and authority with which you can present our pleas to what is the sovereign arbiter of our good, pledge one and the other in our favor. We have succeeded in reforming our lives with the Holy Rosary, studying in such a sweet book the faithful imitation of Your Son Jesus, until we can adore and love Him for all the centuries. Amen."