Beloved Lord, protect me from all evil, keep away from me everything that keeps me away
“Beloved Lord, protect me from all evil, keep everything that keeps me from Tí FATHER away from me. Deliver me from the evil eye, from the evil thought, defend me from envy, from evil wanting, from evil mouths and people of bad FAITH. It cleanses my heart and my thoughts of the negative energies absorbed on a daily basis. I entrust to You, Lord God the Father Almighty, the care for my soul, for my professional and emotional life. Protect my family, my parents, children and loved ones. Cover me with hope, unshakable faith, love and virtues. Give me patience, humility and a fighting spirit. Thank you very much for everything Lord! Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever. Amen, Hallelujah, Amen, Hallelujah! ”