All Prize Bond Online Check Rs.100,Rs.200,Rs,750,Rs.1500,Rs,7500,Rs.15000,More..
Prize Bond List - Prize Bond scheme is best way to earn money within short period of time. Luck plays a vital role in being a prize bond winner. Regarded as the gold investment and bearer security, Prize Bond was introduced in Pakistan back in 1960. Since then it gained immense popularity countrywide, as the easiest and lawful source to try your luck and win prize money through lucky draw. Prize Bonds are available in the denominations of PKR 200, PKR 750, PKR 1500, PKR 7500, PKR 15000, PKR 25000, and PKR 40000. Prize Bonds are issued in series sequence. Every series sequence comprise of one less than 1,000,000 bonds. Prize bond draws are conducted on quarterly basis. The lucky draws are held under common method. Prize numbers are same for each series.