The fashion of quizzes, quiz games fun and now with many pergtuntas.
The fashion of the quizzes, games of riddles with questions, began in the pubs in England. But he soon arrived in Portugal. And now the new program in Brazil this game consists of answering a series of questions of general culture that put to the test the knowledge and the reasoning capacity.Although there are places that organize quiz nights, questions and answers, this is a fun which can also be made at home, at a table surrounded by family or friends. And if you're really that much a fan of quizzes and series at the same time, like us, we also want to challenge you to test your knowledge and that of your friends on this difficult quiz. But for now, get ready to score points on RACHACUCA program is similar to the program of the SBT pass or official pass, Do you like to play to pass or pass on? So these 50 easy and other difficult questions and answers will give you the opportunity to learn by playing ... and will you keep your face clean?