About Real Signature Maker
Signature Maker - Creator is a handwritten & electronic signature making app.
Real Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator is a handwritten & electronic signature making app. Start making your signature using our easy step-by-step wizard. It is free and you may create as many signatures as you want. It can also be as a digital signature maker app. Signature is basically the handwritten depiction of someone's identity or other mark that a person writes on documents as a proof of identity and intent. Create your own personal and life like signature in seconds. Generate a personal signature for free and use it to personalize your email signature, documents etc. Create your own personal signature which you can use on websites, blogs and emails. This digital signature creator and signature app real signature style maker allows you to create a sagittal signature for fun, entertainment and personal use as well. Have a fun with our signature maker app and see different types of styles of your name signature.
How to Use:
There are two ways to create signatures. Signatory can choose any type of approach / mode to generate the signature pattern.
Features of Signature Creator - Signature Maker:
Manual Signature
Auto Signature
Documents Signature
Create signature: Do signature
Different fonts: 90 + variety of fonts
Pen color: Set pen color (1000 + colors) with Light/Dark & Alpha adjustable
Background color: Set background color (1000 + colors) with Light/Dark & Alpha adjustable
Save: Store your signature in storage
Style: You can make your signature Bold, Italic and Underline.
View: View previously drawn signature
Collection: View previously drawn signature
Share: Share signature on social platform
Reset: Reset the current style of signature
Instant view: View current signature
Delete: Delete previously drawn signature
Auto mode contains 100+ styles of signature by entering your signature
We required EXTERNAL STORAGE PERMISSION in order to store/share/view signature.
We are not using your signature anywhere. Application stores it in storage in order to view and share your signature.
What's new in the latest 1.0
Real Signature Maker APK Information
Old Versions of Real Signature Maker
Real Signature Maker 1.0
Real Signature Maker Alternative







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