Runners Toolkit
About Runners Toolkit
Tools for runners - Pace Calculators, Race Predictors, Age Grading & more!
Runners Toolkit is designed by runners for runners. Featuring Pace & Time calculators among a selection of tools, Runners Toolkit is designed to help with your training and to enable you to take your running to the next level.
Feedback is welcome please email [email protected] or rate the app if you like it!
Runners Toolkit includes;
- Pace Calculator - Enter a distance and time and the app will tell you the average pace you need to run.
- Time Calculator - Enter a pace and distance and the app will tell you how long the run will take you.
- Age Grading - Enter a recent performance and your age to calculate your age graded percentage - this enables you to then compare performances across distances and ages.
- Race Time Predictor - Enter a recent race result to estimate future performances.
- Heart Rate Zones - Enter your max and resting heart rates to work out your Heart Rate Training Zones then email these to whoever you like!
- Calories Burned Calculator - Calculate how many calories you burned on a run
- View splits for any times/paces calculated in the Pace & Time Calculators and email these to whoever you like.
Note: This is not a GPS Tracker
What's new in the latest 3.0
Runners Toolkit APK Information
Old Versions of Runners Toolkit
Runners Toolkit 3.0

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