Purana - The Series; Shiva Purana
The Shiva Purana or Shiva Mahapurana is the supreme Purana of the Shaivites. Shiv Purana is attributed to Rishi ved Vyas. The Mahapurana details the creation, preservation and ultimate destruction of the universe and serves as a guide to the worship of the Supreme God Shiva, among other gods and goddesses. According to a tradition which is stated in the Vāyaviya Saṁhitā of this text, the original text was known as the Shaiva Purana. Although it may be weakly and narrowly cited that the Shiva Purana is a tamas purana as per the Padma Purana, Shaivites consider this Puran to be the supreme Sattva text and a guide for true virtuous living.