You want to learn shotokan karate. this is your solution
"Shotokan grade system Shotokan karate has a grading system where students move up a series of colored belts after undertaking gradings. The belt system is divided into Kyu grades (beginner grades) and Dan grades (advanced grades). The system is as follows: 10th Kyu - White belt (everyone starts here) 9th Kyu - Orange belt 8th Kyu - Red belt 7th Kyu - Yellow belt 6th Kyu - Green belt 5th Kyu - Purple belt 4th Kyu - Purple and white belt 3rd Kyu - Brown belt 2nd Kyu - Brown and white belt 1st Kyu - Brown and double white belt 1st - 10th Dan - Black belt You should expect to train twice a week for at least 2 1/2 years before achieving the rank of 1st Dan. 1st Dan is just the beginning - Dan grades go up to 10th Dan, but very few people have ever achieved this rank. You have to be an absolute master, and it takes many decades to achieve. Benefits of Karate training If you undertake regular lessons in Shotokan Karate, you will develop self-discipline, heightened respect, fitness, flexibility and self-defense skills. It also increases confidence. People from 6 years and up can train, but some associations make children wait until they are 8 to undertake Kyu gradings. These associations may have different achievement systems for 6 - 8 year old children so that they can maintain interest and see how well they are progressing. Costs for training vary depending on the club, but are generally very reasonable. You will, however, have to get an annual license from whichever association the club is affiliated with, to make sure that you are properly insured. These aren't usually expensive and your club will be able to give you more details. "