Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles, Your name was Simon, that Jesus Christ changed ...
“Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles, your name was Simon, which Jesus Christ changed to Peter, that you might be the rock on which the Lord would build the temple of the Faith. Changing your name, the Lord gave you the three keys of secrets and powers, in heaven and on earth, saying to you: "Whatever you loose from earth, will be loosed in Heaven". Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles, the first key is iron, it opens and closes the doors of earthly existence. The second key is silver, it opens and closes the doors of wisdom. The third key is golden, it opens and closes the doors of eternal life. With the first you open the door to happiness on earth; with the second, you open the entrance to the portico of spiritual science; with the third, you open Paradise. For me, glorious martyr Apostle, close the paths of evil and open the paths of good. Unbind me on earth so that I may be untied in Heaven. With your iron key, I opened the doors that closed before me. With your silver key, enlighten my spirit, so that I can see the good and turn away from the bad. With your golden key, I will descend the entrances of the heavenly court, when the Lord is served to call me. What you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven, what you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven. Glorious Saint Peter, you who know all the secrets of Heaven and Earth, hear my appeal and answer the prayer I address to you. So be it!