A Religious App. for Jain Audios, Videos and Pravachans of Matashri vigyashriji.
VigyaDarshan is a Perfect and easy to access platform which allows you get updated about Jain Religion. Lot of features like News to get daily updates, Vigya Vani to get thoughts of Matashri, Vihar updates to know where we are going to meet in our next religious tour, VigyaGaan to get songs and videos, Gallery let you know about photos of events and tours, Vigya Vardhini helps the youth to know more about Religion and its roots, VigyaTithiDarpan let you know about festivals and religious traditions according to dates, Dimagi Kasrat is corner where you can enjoy as well grow you knowledge, Shanka Samadhan allows you to interact with Matashri and Others Bhaktas.