All Wood Carving Crafts Are Here
Wood carving craft is one of the Small Industrial businesses that produce various types of carvings that adopt local wisdom culture and is a hereditary heritage from the days of ancestors to the hands of today's generation of carvers and has been able to produce various types of carvings that adopt local wisdom culture but some still use simple equipment such as knives, axes, and others. As for the various types, patterns, and motifs of carvings that have been produced by reliable and professional carvers whose production results are in great demand by many groups even to foreign countries. And one of the famous carving handicraft producers in Indonesia is Jepara carving which is already known as the City of Carving and has now turned into a World Carving City. This proves that wood crafts in Indonesia are able to look charming and dare to compete in the international world. In this application you can select and download directly the results of high quality wood carving craft art and has a high artistic value contained in handicraft products made from wood in Indonesia. Hopefully this application is helpful and useful. Good luck