To be healthy is to be successful! Diagnostics. PP. Energy practices. Training.
Organization and carrying out a complete diagnosis of the body. Doctor consultation 24/7 of any specialization with a home visit, in the form of an online appointment, medical support for patients, medical concierge service. Consulting on proper nutrition: recommendations of leading nutritionists and nutritionists with the appointment of detailed corrective programs, an individual approach. Healthy lifestyle. Profile sports nutrition. Purpose and sale of natural Ukrainian phytoproducts, personal hygiene products, cosmetics, perfumes from TM "Primaflora". Antiviral, cancer-protective health-improving programs. Cleansing detox programs. Homeopathy. Biomedicine. Ethnomedicine. Aromatherapy. Energy practice. Energy correction. Energetic cleansing. Energy information therapy. Multilevel psychology. Sexology. Philosophy and psychosomatics of disorders and diseases. Tarot consultations, correction techniques, work with the Arcana. Multichannel medicine. Healing. General biobalance of the body. Runic diagnostics, harmonization of situations. Medical astrology. Numerology. Palmistry. Medical Yoga. A complex of spiritual practices of the peoples of the world. Su Jok. Qi Gong. The practice of Wu Xing. Afromedicine. Multidisciplinary training in a coach center, conducting online lectures with the issuance of relevant academic certificates. Exit practice.