Abs Workout your six pack workout Abs Workout
"How to use this list: Perform each move below for 30 seconds, resting 5 to 10 seconds in-between. With this circuit, the goal is to go big or go home—meaning, working at the highest possible intensity for as many reps as you can without sacrificing form. Expect to perform anywhere from 15 to 20 reps, though remember that quality always tops quantity, says Jeffers. (So don’t stress if your rep count is on the lower end the first couple of times you try this—there's always time to improve.) If time allows, you can repeat the circuit 2 to 3 times.Firefighter Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, core engaged. Shift weight onto right leg with left knee lifted and bent to a 90-degree angle and arms in front of you as if you're climbing a ladder (just without the ladder). Extend left arm overhead as you push off right foot to explosively lift right knee until it is level with hips. Pull hand down as you lower right leg and shift weight to right side to repeat on left side. Continue alternating legs and arms as quickly as you can—this should feel as intense as High Knees. ab workout 2. Knee-In Crunch Lie faceup with fingertips behind ears and legs extended. Lift legs until feet are about six inches off the ground. Engage core and lift shoulder blades off the floor like a crunch while also pulling knees in toward chest. Careful not to pull on your neck to crunch; use abs to lift. Reverse the movement to return to starting position."