Lord, give me health to my body and may I cooperate with a disciplined life ...
“Lord, give me health for my body and may I cooperate with a disciplined life so that I am worthy of Your help. Lord, for honoring You and reporting to You thanks and praises, how much You enrich me, never letting me lack what I need, crowning with great success all the journeys that are not always easy. When I praise You for such great goodness, may I thank You, Lord, not only with words, but above all with a life of holiness. You who punish those you love, like the father who punishes the rebellious son whom he esteems very much, I thank you for all the moments when I suffered feeling Your hand descend heavily on me, but always so full of mercy. How much I have learned and learn from You, my Father! Nothing can equal Your love. Thank you, Lord. Your paths are sown with many renunciations, but only those who travel along them can feel their incomparable delights. The end."