This is an Islamic Bengali apps. Women's rights in Islam.
Coordinated efforts are made between men and women in family, society, state and nation. Spreading hatred towards men and women of ideal society that can not be neglected. Narirao as well as the role of men in rich countries and has a key role in society. In Islam, women have the highest priority. Islam is the only religion in the world which has the status of women has been established sirsasane. Women in pre-Islamic era were the most neglected, and daughters were born to be buried alive .1 shame that because they were deprived of all rights that the consumption of products. Then, the passage from the plight of women in Islam has the highest status. Not only that, Islam has equalizing gender rights. Al-Baqarah verse 228 of the Holy Qur'an, as Allah says, "on the basis of equality for women is exactly the kind of rights on a higher level of responsibility on them for the addition of men. Above all, God mahasaktimana and Wise. "The verse clearly been told that two men and one woman on the parallel rights. Quran and Hadith other places did not say nothing. However, this verse was talking to another woman on the kind of men are predominant. To understand this more clearly Quran Kareem al-Nisa verse 34, "male-female does. This is because Allah has preferred over others, and that man is one more reason for him to spend. "3 This verse clearly implies two things. Since the impressionable woman from head to toe so that God Himself has declared the champion for women and men. Secondly, men and women have the responsibility to bear all costs. The overall Allah has equal rights of men and women. In some cases, however, is not the same in all cases the status of women was higher than men. In some cases, the status of women was higher than men. Overall, both the equal rights of all has been said. But now things are very sad but true, and the Western-backed jnanapapi buiddhajibi print and electronic media, the Indian women running for political leaders in the name of equal rights is the status of the violations. On the one hand, Islam has tricked them, saying women and men do not seem to associate the competitor is set up as a bidbesabhabapanna. The family, social and cultural happening devastating blow. Again, changes in the law of succession or directly through mirasi kuraanabirodhi the role of which is bad for men and women. Therefore, in the light of the Qur'an and the Hadith or the equality of women's rights in Islam are discussed.