Biohazard 4 (Resident Evil 4)

Biohazard 4 (Resident Evil 4)

Feb 24, 2023
  • 7.4

    3 리뷰

  • 80.9 MB

    파일 크기

  • Android 2.1+

    Android OS

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Biohazard 4 (Resident Evil 4) 정보

It has been six years since the destruction of Raccoon City and, in that time, the U.S. government has conducted an investigation in which several Umbrella officials are implicated in the heinous wrongdoings, and prosecuted.

Ultimately, the Government formally and indefinitely suspends Umbrellas business practices, causing the company to become bankrupt and dysfunctional.

Meanwhile, Leon S. Kennedy, formerly Raccoon City Police Departments idealistic rookie cop, is now a U.S. agent with a top-secret mission to rescue Ashley Graham, the Presidents daughter, who has been kidnapped by a mysterious organization.

Leon must begin his investigation with a trip to an undisclosed Spanish-speaking village in Europe, where he eners a horde of unruly villagers who pledge their lives to Los Illuminados, the cult that perpetrated Ashleys kidnapping.

As Leon eners unimaginable horrors, he must find out who or what is behind everything.


Cinematic views and intense combat.
3rd person perspective camera immerses you in the action with a panoramic wide-screen view and frenetic action.
Location based damage for more strategic combat. Use Resident Evil 4s intuitive aiming system to blast enemies apart with laser precision.
Location based damage means where you aim is what you hit. Shot enemies in the legs to slow them down or in the head for a quick kill.

Perform complicated actions with a touch of the screen. Context sensitive controls pop up as need allowing you to perform complex actions with a tap of the button. Climb ladders, equip binoculars and jump out windows with a press of an icon. Upgrade or die. Use in-game money to purchase and upgrade weapons from the" Arms Merchant." Increase the damage, reload time and capacity of your weapons and unleash total devastation in battle. Money can be found when you defeat enemies or from pawning in-game jewelry.
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