Anukarma Yoga is a safe space to practice yoga with awareness, kindness & peace
This app is an extension of the live Anukarma Yoga classes. We believe in building is a safe space to practice with awareness, kindness & peace. When we step on the mat - for those few minutes, there is no to-dos, no regret, no restrictions - when we practice together we try to stay as present as possible and everything else falls into place. This app is where we will share our live yoga, pranayama, meditation & yoga nidra sessions as well as share our session recordings. In the last few years many forms of yoga have surfaced - those backed by traditional lineages to those solely focussed on western science. As we continued to explore various facets of yoga, we struggled to find the right mix of east & west, feminine & masculine, yin & yang. So we decided to launch Anukarma Yoga - a safe space where we value curiosity & intuition. We base our teachings on updated research & ancient wisdom-backed knowledge while valuing the fact that each and every one of us has different compositions, dispositions & needs. At Anukarma Yoga we welcome those who think they are not ready for or satisfied with main stream asana only or ritualistic yoga. We value individual differences and the constant evolution of yogic science as a result of both ancient wisdom & modern science. Our practice is rooted in deeper understanding of the collective consciousness. Just as we as humans evolve, our practice too must evolve - this is the core belief of Anukarma Yoga.